With new products comes new technology and PVC aluminium has always kept up with innovation so we can always bring our customers the absolute best products. From rotary saws to digital saws, from one head welders to four head welders to increase speed and now even CNC corner cleaning machione to increase accuracy we have the very best machines to serve our clients. And with more innovation comes more expansion, which is why in 2014 PVC Aluminium launched a new branch to its family tree. Eco Fibre windows which produce windows made fully from fiberglass.
PVC has been operating for 33 years now completely on referrals and word of mouth. Excellent service, a great product and commitment to delivery times and schedules is what stakes our great reputation in the window world. The expansions may still be happening but PVC remains a small family business. No client will ever go through an order process from measurement to installation without directly speaking to someone with the family name, Colletti